In the month of December, every year, Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh gets a long holiday from his school. His mom and dad also get their holidays from their respective offices almost around the same time. What it means is that since the holidays of all the three of them coincide, they can enjoy a family holiday together.
So, he likes the month of December a lot. Well before the holidays start, Dholu Ram starts planning for the holidays. He starts day dreaming about what he will do then. He starts imagining that he will travel to variety of places with his mom and dad. He likes to go to different places, do different kind of activities and see many types of people. He also likes adventures in these new places like rock climbing, camping, fishing, bird watching, going on safari, playing in water parks etc.
This December Dholu Ram requested her mom and dad to go to a place where they could go by air. Dholu Ram likes to sit in the airplane and fly. But he does not get such many opportunities. That is the reason; he wanted his mom and dad to agree on travelling by air this time.
His mom and dad had no hesitation in accepting Dholu Ram’s request. They know that their son is quite a conscientious child and his very well thought out requests are never unreasonable. So, the three of them set out to enjoy their holidays at a nearby picturesque place where they could go by airplane.
They drove to the airport in their bigger of the two cars they have. Dad parked the car in the parking lot and then they entered the airport pushing their stroller bags all the way. Dholu Ram had his own separate luggage and he was capable of looking after it on his own. Dholu Ram noticed that the airport was bustling with people and activities. As per his nature, he was intently studying everything around him.
Suddenly, his eyes fell on two people who seemed to be somewhat fishy characters. Due to his earlier experiences and his interest in spotting and catching the thieves, he suspected that those two men were thieves. They were hanging around an elderly looking lady with a purse.
And before he knew what was happening, he heard the yell from the elderly looking lady but this time, without the purse. The purse had disappeared. She was shouting, “The thieves. They have snatched away my purse. It has lots of my money and my diamond necklace.”
Dholu Ram looked around and found that that those two fishy looking characters were running away towards the tarmac where a helicopter was parked. Without thinking twice, Dholu Ram, our rolypoly boy with lots of strength and intelligence ran fast behind them. The two thieves neared the helicopter and jumped into it. One of them started the engine and was about to take off and before he could do so, he realized that his helicopter wasn’t just taking off, as if there was some heavy weight pulling it down.
The heavy weight pulling the helicopter down was nothing but our Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh. Since Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh could not catch the thieves, he thought of next best thing and that was not allowing the thieves to start the helicopter. He hanged onto the bottom of the helicopter and secured it tightly so that the helicopter could not be lifted off the ground despite the forceful engine. All of us know for sure that our Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh can become that much strong when needed.
While the helicopter was thus being stalled by Dholu Ram, the airport police also got alert and ran towards the helicopter. They caught the two thieves red handed. They handcuffed them and sent them to the jail. The old lady’s purse was recovered from the thieves and handed over to her.
The old lady’s joys knew no bounds as she got back her precious purse containing lots of money and the diamond necklace. She was particularly very appreciative and thankful of Dholu Ram. She praised him in front of the huge crowd that had gathered around them at the airport. She wanted to give Dholu Ram a nice gift which Dholu Ram politely refused to accept. All the people at the airport were talking about the bravery of Dholu Ram. Listening to all of that, Dholu Ram’s mom and dad felt very proud of their son once again.
After this incident was over, Dholu Ram and his mom and dad resumed their journey by their airplane. As they entered the airplane, a surprise awaited them- they were ungraded to the executive class and that too at the cost of the airlines. The airlines people also recognized the intelligence and bravery of Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh.
Novels and Stories
Novel "Good People"
Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories
Stories Children Will Love
The novel "Good People", "Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories" and "Stories Children Will Love" are available in the form of eBook and printed book from Amazon online. Hurry up, get your copies.
So, he likes the month of December a lot. Well before the holidays start, Dholu Ram starts planning for the holidays. He starts day dreaming about what he will do then. He starts imagining that he will travel to variety of places with his mom and dad. He likes to go to different places, do different kind of activities and see many types of people. He also likes adventures in these new places like rock climbing, camping, fishing, bird watching, going on safari, playing in water parks etc.
This December Dholu Ram requested her mom and dad to go to a place where they could go by air. Dholu Ram likes to sit in the airplane and fly. But he does not get such many opportunities. That is the reason; he wanted his mom and dad to agree on travelling by air this time.
His mom and dad had no hesitation in accepting Dholu Ram’s request. They know that their son is quite a conscientious child and his very well thought out requests are never unreasonable. So, the three of them set out to enjoy their holidays at a nearby picturesque place where they could go by airplane.
They drove to the airport in their bigger of the two cars they have. Dad parked the car in the parking lot and then they entered the airport pushing their stroller bags all the way. Dholu Ram had his own separate luggage and he was capable of looking after it on his own. Dholu Ram noticed that the airport was bustling with people and activities. As per his nature, he was intently studying everything around him.
Suddenly, his eyes fell on two people who seemed to be somewhat fishy characters. Due to his earlier experiences and his interest in spotting and catching the thieves, he suspected that those two men were thieves. They were hanging around an elderly looking lady with a purse.
And before he knew what was happening, he heard the yell from the elderly looking lady but this time, without the purse. The purse had disappeared. She was shouting, “The thieves. They have snatched away my purse. It has lots of my money and my diamond necklace.”
Dholu Ram looked around and found that that those two fishy looking characters were running away towards the tarmac where a helicopter was parked. Without thinking twice, Dholu Ram, our rolypoly boy with lots of strength and intelligence ran fast behind them. The two thieves neared the helicopter and jumped into it. One of them started the engine and was about to take off and before he could do so, he realized that his helicopter wasn’t just taking off, as if there was some heavy weight pulling it down.
The heavy weight pulling the helicopter down was nothing but our Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh. Since Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh could not catch the thieves, he thought of next best thing and that was not allowing the thieves to start the helicopter. He hanged onto the bottom of the helicopter and secured it tightly so that the helicopter could not be lifted off the ground despite the forceful engine. All of us know for sure that our Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh can become that much strong when needed.
While the helicopter was thus being stalled by Dholu Ram, the airport police also got alert and ran towards the helicopter. They caught the two thieves red handed. They handcuffed them and sent them to the jail. The old lady’s purse was recovered from the thieves and handed over to her.
The old lady’s joys knew no bounds as she got back her precious purse containing lots of money and the diamond necklace. She was particularly very appreciative and thankful of Dholu Ram. She praised him in front of the huge crowd that had gathered around them at the airport. She wanted to give Dholu Ram a nice gift which Dholu Ram politely refused to accept. All the people at the airport were talking about the bravery of Dholu Ram. Listening to all of that, Dholu Ram’s mom and dad felt very proud of their son once again.
After this incident was over, Dholu Ram and his mom and dad resumed their journey by their airplane. As they entered the airplane, a surprise awaited them- they were ungraded to the executive class and that too at the cost of the airlines. The airlines people also recognized the intelligence and bravery of Dholu Ram Gadbad Singh.
Novels and Stories
Novel "Good People"
Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories
Stories Children Will Love
The novel "Good People", "Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories" and "Stories Children Will Love" are available in the form of eBook and printed book from Amazon online. Hurry up, get your copies.